Meet Premium South-Indian Specialty Coffee, Mysore Nuggets  - Coffeeza

Meet Premium South-Indian Specialty Coffee, Mysore Nuggets 

Meet Premium South-Indian Specialty Coffee, Mysore Nuggets 

India has always been known for its tea plantations but she has been growing and exporting excellent coffees for over 100 years and is the largest producer of Arabica coffee just behind Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Ethiopia.  All of India's coffee is grown under shade and they possess a rich taste and an enticing aroma that captivates coffee lovers from all over the world.

The history of Indian coffee is also unique. Legend has it that Baba Budan planted seven coffee seeds in the Chandragiri hills in Karnataka after bringing them back from Yemen. Baba Budan, a 17th-century Sufi saint from India, went on a pilgrimage to Mecca. On his journey back home, he stopped at the port city of Mocha in Yemen, where he came across dark, sweet liquid called Quahwa (Coffee). Carrying green coffee seeds out of Arabia was considered illegal. Yet Baba Budan was so in love with the drink that he took just 7 green coffee seeds and smuggled them to India. He planted these seeds in his courtyard in Chikmagalur, Karnataka and that became the birthplace and origin of coffee in India. The unique aroma, flavour and body of Indian coffee comes from these mystical origins. Today different varieties of coffee are grown across south India.

But did you know that India is home to some specialty coffees as well. One of them is Monsooned Malabar and at the top of the hierarchy we have Mysore Nuggets which is a coffee connoisseur's paradise. These exotic Arabica beans are a rare and premium specialty coffee. MNEB, or Mysore Nuggets, are grown at an altitude of about 1200 meters, and are the highest grade of washed Arabica in India.  They are grown in the regions of Chikmagalur, Coorg, Biligiris, and Bababudangiris. The beans are large, bluish-green in colour, and have a uniform surface. The coffee has a rich aroma, medium to good body and a smooth flavour, with hints of spice.

Only 2% of AAA graded Indian Arabica beans have the size and flawless symmetrical shape of Mysore Nuggets, making this blend extremely special. Because of its large size and perfect appearance, the bean is compared to a 'Gold Nugget', hence the name. This rare, premium coffee truly represents the best of the best coffee from India. 

Coffeeza recently added this South-Indian specialty Mysore Nuggets to its range of Aluminium coffee capsules, this blend is also available as ground coffee for those who enjoying brewing with home brewing equipment like French Press and V60. This blend is dark-roasted, aromatic, and balanced in sweetness, it has an intensity of 7/10. It is best enjoyed as an espresso or a lungo with a splash of milk.

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